In League of Legends, Ashe is a ranged AD Carry who can deal out a lot of damage if built correctly. Her abilities allow her to deal sustained damage from a distance and slow and stun enemies. She is best played in a team’s bottom line (and back line), damaging enemies while avoiding taking damage herself. In this guide, you will learn how to build Ashe so that she can be most effective in combat.
1. Getting Items for Ashe in League of Legends
The first method for building Ashe is to focus on getting items that will increase her damage output and help her survive in battle. With these items, Ashe will be able to deal a lot of damage to her enemies and survive against even the most vigorous opponents. There’s no definite list, but here’s what we recommend:
- Boots of Speed — These boots will help Ashe move quickly around the battlefield, allowing her to get into position to fire arrows at her enemies or to escape if necessary. Can be replaced with Berserker’s Greaves.
- Blade of the Ruined King — This powerful weapon will allow Ashe to deal damage to her enemies and heal herself simultaneously. Can be replaced by Phantom Dancer.
- The Bloodthirster — This item will give Ashe the ability to heal herself and her allies, making her a valuable asset on any team. Can be replaced by Kraken Slayer.
- Wit’s End — This item will help Ashe deal damage to her enemies and resist their attacks. Some players buy Infinity Edge instead.
- Randuin’s Omen — This powerful armor will help Ashe tank damage and protect her allies. Can be replaced by Guardian Angel.
With these items, Ashe will be a powerful force on the battlefield. She will do everything an AD carry needs to do: damage opponents, restore her health (and that of her allies), and reduce or negate incoming damage.
2. Choose the Recommended Ashe Runes
Second, you will need to choose the following runes to build Ashe in League of Legends:
- Precision: Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Cut Down
- Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Approach Velocity
- Bonus: 10% attack speed, 9 Adaptive (9 Ability Power (AP) or 5.4 Attack Damage (AD))
These runes will further boost Ashe’s already impressive stats, making her an even more dangerous opponent on the battlefield.
3. Select Appropriate Masteries for Ashe
Third, you will need to select the following masteries:
- Fury: 4/4
- Deadliness: 3/3
- Weapon Expertise: 1/1
- Brute Force: 3/3
- Lethality: 3/3
Selecting these masteries will make Ashe even more deadly with her bow and arrow. Fury will increase her attack speed, Deadliness will increase her damage output, Weapon Expertise will increase her damage with weapons, and Brute Force and Lethality will both increase her critical strike chance.
4. Pick Summoner Spells and Spell Order for Ashe
After that, you will need to select the following Summoner spells: Barrier and Flash. Barrier will help Ashe survive in battle, while Flash allows her to quickly escape if necessary. Many players also use Heal instead of Barrier. With these spells, Ashe will be prepared for anything the enemy throws at her. Now, you will need to understand which hotkeys to press, so you can quickly access your abilities and items in battle. The following are the built-in hotkeys for Ashe:
- Q — Ranger’s Focus (2, 8, 10, 12, 13)
- W — Volley (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
- E — Hawkshot (4, 14, 15, 17, 18)
- R — Enchanted Crystal Arrow (6, 11, 16)
The numbers in the brackets represent the levels you should pick these abilities. Using these hotkeys allows players to quickly access your abilities in battle and use them to their full potential.
5. Practice this Ashe Build in League of Legends
In the end, you will need to practice using Ashe’s abilities in training matches so that you can master them before using them in real games. Once you have practiced using Ashe’s abilities, you will be ready to take on your enemies in real games. With our suggested build, Ashe will become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. She can deal high damage to her team’s enemies, heal herself and her allies, and stop or decrease incoming damage.