By default, any games you download from steam will be stored in your C drive. For those who have a pretty big storage, this won’t be an issue. But for those who have a beginner PC or has a lot of games installed taking up all of the hard disc space, it can be an issue. Especially if you have a lot of free space left on your other drives such as the D drive, you might be thinking of installing the games on that drive instead of C. In this article, we are going to cover the steps required to install any steam games on a different drive as per your preference.
To Install Steam Games on another Drive
By default, Steam installs all your games to C:\Program Files\Steam, it will be shown during the installation process. To change this location, all you have to do is clicking the browse button next to the location block while installing the game, and choosing a directory placed in the preferred drive that you want to install the games in. If the selected drive has enough space left to install the game, Steam will put the files in that directory and finish the installation. You can confirm it by going to that directory and verifying that the files are put in there.
If everything went well, your games will be running without any issues. Even though the game files will be stored in the chosen directory, the save games will still be put in the C drive, probably in the documents section. As the save files usually won’t take up much space, this won’t be an issue for most people. If you also want to save up that space, there are also ways to change the save file location of Steam games.