How to Make Arrows in Minecraft

How to Make Arrows in Minecraft

Instead of killing your enemies by approaching them, you can simply shoot them down using arrows. It can travel up to 24 blocks and kill the enemies based on their health level. So that you do not have to walk to them and risk your life trying to kill them with your sword. But how to make them? Don’t know the steps to craft arrows in Minecraft? Don’t worry. We have prepared a definitive guide for you to help in making arrows using the crafting table. Have a look at it.

Materials required to make Arrows in Minecraft

You can craft several types of arrows in Minecraft. The materials required for them are given below.

Recipes to make Normal Arrow

  1. 1x Flint
  2. 1x Stick
  3. 1x Feather

Recipes to Make Spectral Arrow

  1. 4x Glowstone Dust
  2. 1x Normal Arrow

Recipes to Make Tipped Arrow

  1. 1x Matching Lingering Potion
  2. 8x Normal Arrow

Steps to make Different Types of Arrows in Minecraft

Based on the type of arrow you are going to craft, the steps would vary. Based on the arrow type, follow the appropriate steps given below.

Steps to make Normal Arrow

  1. Open the crafting table by left-clicking on your mouse.
  2. Place the items in the following order.
    • First Row: Place Flint in the middle column and leave others empty.
    • Second Row: Place Stick in the middle one and leave the other two empty.
    • Third Row: Place Feather in the middlebox and nothing in others.
      Recipes to Make Normal Arrow in Minecraft

Steps to make Spectral Arrow

  1. Open the crafting table.
  2. Place the items in the following order.
    • First Row: Glowstone dust in the second column and leave the other two columns empty.
    • Second Row: Glowstone dust in the first and last columns. A normal arrow in the center.
    • Third Row: Same as the first row.

Spectral Arrow is only available in the Minecraft Java Edition.

Steps to make Tipped Arrow

  1. Open crafting table.
  2. Place the items in the following order.
    • First Row: Place a normal arrow in all three columns.
    • Second Row: Place normal arrows in the first and third columns. In the middle column, place a matching Lingering Potion.
    • Third Row: Repeat the same pattern as in the first row.

Arrow of Decay is only available on Minecraft Bedrock edition.

/give command to Spawn Arrows in Minecraft

You can easily spawn arrows using /give command in Minecraft.

In Minecraft Java Edition (PC or Mac) versions 1.13 – 1.17, the /give command for Arrow is as follows:

/give @p arrow 1

In all other versions of Java Edition and other Editions, the command is:

/give @p arrow 1 0

How to make fire/flaming arrows in Minecraft?

You cannot specifically craft fire arrows as we did for other types of arrows. Instead, you have to use a bow with flame enchantment. You can also shoot the arrow through lava to make it light up. If you know about Fire Charges that allow igniting things, it can also be used to flame arrows up. So, flaming arrows aren’t a thing yet. Hopefully, Mojang will add something cool like that soon.